‘Gifted’ by Autism | The Strange World of Benjamin Alexander

2548-2016-04-29-extraThough he cannot speak, Benjamin Alexander has much to say, one typed word at a time.
Ben was diagnosed with nonverbal autism and epilepsy a few months before his third birthday. Now 22, he is a writer and a student at Tulane University in New Orleans with a GPA of 3.7. In his essays, he returns repeatedly to the “fiend” that tried to silence him, the condition he sarcastically calls his “gift.”
“Who in the hell gave me this gift?” he wrote in one piece published in a local online journal. “Please, take it back.”
Ben wants to help educate people about autism and to challenge stereotypes. That’s not easy because he still needs some assistance from computer to communicate, and that’s caused some to doubt him over the years.
One evening, Ben’s father settles him at the keyboard and rests his hand under his son’s arm. He lightly squeezes Ben’s forearm, a subtle move that sets him into action. Ben begins to punch the keys with one finger.
“I . am . not . stupid . as . some . people . used . to . think,” Ben types. He unwraps his arm from his dad’s and hits the period by himself, causing the computer to read each word in a robotic voice that he doesn’t really like, but needs.
Later he adds, “I want people to know I am here.” READ MORE

* Movies: The Family Fang

* Books: Siddhartha’s Brain by James Kingsland

* Music: Lemonade by Beyonce

* Wine: The Carpathian Linden

* Food: Cabana Chill-out



Extra 2548 – ‘Gifted’ by Autism | The Strange World of Benjamin Alexander

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