Gov’t issues warnings for dangerous viral pranks

A new and dangerous prank which involves tripping a person with a long scarf has gone viral on social media, following a similar prank known as the “Tripping Jump Challenge.”
The Judiciary Police (PJ) and Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) have both issued warnings about the two pranks. The warnings, which come less than two weeks apart, stress the dangers of the tripping pranks and note that the injuries sustained from them can be life-threatening.
A statement from the DSEJ pointed out that videos depicting the prank have become popular, with some playing the prank on people around them. The prank is conducted using a long piece of cloth, frequently a scarf, which is thrown over the victim’s head until it falls down around their ankles. The prankster then pulls the piece of cloth to trip the victim.
Like the “Tripping Jump Challenge,” where the victim jumps in between two people who, while the victim is in mid-air, trip the victim with their legs, the new prank also causes victims fall to the ground.
According to various reports, the old prank has caused some serious, irrevocable injuries around the world. Some of victims hit their heads or backs when they land on the ground. The impact is hard enough to cause bone fractures.
In response to such acts, the education regulator has reminded teachers and parents to stay alert and prevent youth from playing these pranks. The dangers of the prank should be explained to young people.
As for punishment, the PJ pointed out that there are laws governing such acts. The law-enforcement authority explained that the pranksters may be liable to the stipulations regarding physical assault in the Penal Code. AL

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