Gov’t says it will consider opinions on Penha Hill visual corridor

The government says it will take into account both public opinion and the views of the members of the Urban Planning Committee (CPU) on the Urban Master Plan in maintaining a visual corridor between Penha Hill and shoreline areas.
This information was disclosed in a reply from the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT) director, Chan Pou Ha, to a written inquiry from lawmaker Sulu Sou on the matter.
In the reply, Chan reaffirmed that the opinions and suggestions of residents “will be further analyzed, together with the opinions of the members of the Urban Planning Committee and taken into consideration in the subsequent phase of the elaboration of the detailed plans, aiming to the safeguarding of the historical landscape in question.”
The DSSOPT director added that, to preserve the Historic Center of Macau and the unique landscape consisting of hills, sea and city, the public consultation document of the Urban Master Plan proposed that “the height of the buildings to be built in the future does not exceed 62.7 meters, [a height] that corresponds to the altitude of the top of the Penha Hill.” Chan also noted that “the buildings to be built in the coastal areas are [to be] of successively lower height, revealing the characteristic panorama of the city, that is, in an amphitheater shape.” RM

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