Green Week kicks off

3-2016-03-13-16.31.17The 35th Green Week, organized by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) and other organizations, officially started on Saturday.
The event includes activities such as tree planting and exhibitions as well as games and workshops to increase citizens’ understanding of the importance of protecting nature. Prizes will also be awarded to the best participants.
“It’s my fifth time here. My favorite part is the bonsai. I can make my own creation,” a ten-year-old participant told the Times yesterday, excited over the prospect of being allowed to take the bonsai back home after having finished the design.
Most of the participants at yesterday’s events were children and the elderly. Raymond Yip, a college freshman who works as a volunteer at Green Week, said, “I haven’t seen people my age participating in the event. I think the promotion strategy was not strong enough to attract young people”.
In addition to planting trees, a selection of different types of plants displayed in different arrangements could be seen at Tap Seac Square. However, attendance was low, “probably because of the rain,” admitted Seng Leong, a high school volunteer. Staff reporter

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