Health Bureau offers up to USD80,000 support to domestic violence victim

The 31-year-old woman who was victim of a domestic violence incident in July 2018 that left her badly disfigured will be sponsored by a local charity to undergo extensive surgery in Singapore to regain her eyesight, according to the Health Bureau.

The Health Bureau (SSM) had a meeting with the Conde S. Januário Hospital (CHCSJ), a representative of the charity, the victim and the victim’s family about sending her to Singapore.

The charity will give the victim between USD70,000 and USD80,000. This money will be paid directly to the relevant Singaporean hospital.

The SSM had publicly announced that the victim’s family had accepted the support.

However, Lao Kei, father of the victim, said that his family has yet to accept the fund and that he was shocked with the bureau’s statement regarding their supposed acceptance.

The charity fund has conditions regarding the medical treatment, stating that it must be done in Singapore and that it will be up to the committee to select the medical institute. 

As previously discussed, the proposed medical treatment was supposed to be in the U.K.

“The news was released on the night of the meeting, forgetting our reply on whether we will accept the fund,” said Lao Kei during a press conference at the office of legislator Agnes Lam.

“Sure, we are shocked about it. This gives us huge pressure mentally as a result,” he added.

As cited in a TDM report, he added that the family was informed that further decisions will be made after a check-up in Hong Kong.

The campaign, calling for support from local residents, is set to continue for one more week.

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