Health Bureau stresses 11th case is not very contagious

The Director of the Health Bureau, Lei Chin Ion, has stressed that the public need not worry about the latest Covid-19 infection in Macau because the patient shows signs of not being very contagious.

Lei noted that the 11thcase was not especially concerning as the patient, a Korean non-resident woman who is a flight attendant with Air Macau, was proving to be not very contagious.

The woman had traveled back to Portugal with her boyfriend days earlier and has not had much contact with people in Macau since she arrived in the territory.

The fact that her boyfriend tested negative for the virus supports the idea that “this is a person with a low level of contagion,” according to Lei. The boyfriend is also being monitored by the health authorities in the hospital.

According to the coordinator of the Center, Leong Iek Hou, there are currently seven other people being tested and under medical surveillance for having close contact with the 11thcase.

For the time being, only one from this group has reported noteworthy symptoms; a university student that returned to Macau on the same aircraft from Dubai to Hong Kong, two rows in front of the patient. It is not yet confirmed whether the student has been infected with Covid-19.

Renato Marques

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