Health | Taiwan and Guangdong detect imported cases of Zika

Taiwan and Guangdong have reportedly detected two instances of people infected by the Zika virus, the Health Bureau (SSM) announced in statement.
In Taiwan, a 22 year-old man from Indonesia arrived in the territory on June 1 showing signs of fever and red eyes, which are symptoms of the disease.
After examination, it was confirmed on June 5, that he was infected with the Zika virus, is currently being treated, and is presenting a stable clinical status.
As for the case registered in the Guangdong province, it was identified in a 32 year-
old woman from Venezuela. The woman traveled from Venezuela to Enping City, Jiangmen through Guangzhou on May 31.
On June 3 due to symptoms of fever, back pain and skin rashes, she searched for medical support. The woman was isolated on suspicions of a Zika virus infection, and the diagnosis was confirmed on June 5 after examinations performed by the Guangdong Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
The SSM announcement also mentioned that the mosquito Aedes albopictus, which is responsible for the transmission of the Zika virus, exists in Macau. Although there are not yet any registered cases in the territory, the bureau warned that people should be aware and take preventive measures to prevent the disease spreading, such as avoiding travel to areas affected by the virus spread as well as adopting anti-mosquito measures. People should also be alert to any potential symptoms until 28 days after travelling in affected areas.

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