
Ho hopes English and Portuguese media continue to bridge cultures, reaffirms respect for freedom of press

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng yesterday praised the “significant job” the local news outlets reporting in Portuguese and English are doing “in bridging the gap between cultures and languages,” to provide the public with essential information.

During a lunch reception for Portuguese- and English-language news organizations, Ho conveyed his appreciation for their extensive coverage of Macau’s new trends and developments. He highlighted the role played by these outlets in offering the outside world a better understanding of the region development and elevating its global profile.

Ho mentioned that representatives from these news outlets had visited other cities within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as well as Tibet in the past year. Their reports “provided readers with first-hand accounts of China’s high-quality development,” while presenting its longstanding cultural and social traditions. He acknowledged the unique advantage held by local news outlets in Macau as they have proximity to mainland China while also having access to the international community.

Recognizing the expertise and sense of responsibility of journalists working in Portuguese- and English-language news outlets, Ho praised their bridging function in reflecting public voices and facilitating policy implementation. He acknowledged that these outlets offer suggestions and cooperation, providing impetus for the Government’s endeavors.

Ho reassured that, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of Macau, the Government “remains committed to upholding press freedom and supporting media outlets.” He affirmed the Government’s active assistance in conducting interviews and providing information “to ensure effective reporting” by facilitating the media’s activities. PC

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