HONG KONG | Zhang’s visit may embolden separatists

Zhang Dejiang

Zhang Dejiang

Zhang Dejiang, the director of the central coordination group for Hong Kong and Macau affairs, is due to make a three-day official visit to Hong Kong later this month to speak at the ‘Belt and Road’ Summit. Analysts have, however, warned that the visit could trigger support for HKSAR separatists ahead of the Legislative Council (Legco) election later this year.
The senior official of China, who has been invited by Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to speak at the summit, is not involved in the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative in an official capacity.
Hong Kong Economic Journal writer Lam Hang-chi speculates that “Zhang is coming here with a hidden agenda […] he may be visiting to gauge the city’s status quo first hand.”
But his visit, which is expected to include a denunciation of Hong Kong separatists, may create more harm than good for Beijing should local residents flock to pro-democracy and pro-independence candidates in the Legislative Assembly elections.
“Under today’s political climate, dissidents, radicals and all those who appear to be suppressed by the authorities can easily draw voters’ sympathy,” writes Lam Hang-chi.
Furthermore, the number of these voters and supporters need not be large, since even a small share of the vote can net an influential number of seats under the current polling arrangements of the Elections Ordinance.
This year’s election may register growth in the pro-independence camp following increased pressure and interference from Beijing over the last few years and the HKSAR government’s refusal to commence electoral reform consultations. DB

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