IC opens original album subsidy program

3-Music-festival-Canadian_Brass_-_feet_Photo_by_Bo_HuangThe Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has launched the 2016 Subsidy Programme for the Production of Original Song Albums, which will grant subsidies to up to eight beneficiaries.
Successful applicants will be awarded with a subsidy of up to MOP210,000 for the production of their album. Costs associated with album production can include that of song production, album cover design, and the marketing and promotion of the works.
Applicants for the subsidy must hold a valid Macau SAR Permanent Resident Identity Card and be aged 18 or above. In addition, applicants are required to produce a specific amount of publicly released music, or must have some producing experience. They must also assume the role of album producer, or be in supervision of the project or album, in order to be considered for the subsidy.
A judging panel will select a maximum of eight applicants on the basis of six criteria: budgeting rationale; comprehensiveness of the production proposals and business plans; compatibility between the market positioning and the album songs and album image; standard of composition and lyrics; quality of arrangement and production; and skill of the album artist.
The program, which was launched in 2014, aims to cultivate local musicians and producers to promote the development of Macau’s music industry, and is one part of the government’s efforts to create a sustainable cultural and creative sector.
The IC says that through this subsidy program, they hope to encourage musicians in the MSAR to produce and release more work, and lay the groundwork for market development.
The application period opened yesterday and will run until March 4. Staff reporter

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