IT innovation awards announced

The Seventh InnoICT Business Plan Competition, organized by the Macau New Technologies Incubator Centre (Manetic) and the Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES), has recently awarded its winners, according to a report by Jornal Va Kio.
The champion, IMMO APP, alongside the teams who took the second and third places, will be provided a platform to pursue their ideas in addition to cash amounts of MOP30,000, MOP 18,000 and MOP12,000 respectively. A business start-up fund of MOP50,000 was also provided to the creators of IMMO APP.  If the group decides that their first business step will be to implement their awarded program in Macau, they will also have access to Manetic business incubation facilities and support services.
This year, the competition was attended by 24 teams in total, 13 of which came from Macau higher education institutions. The remaining 11 teams were from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. A total of 67 people registered for the competition, of which 54 were Macau residents.
Launched in 2010, the InnoICT Business Plan Competition was expected to help Macau in establishing more local companies funded by local residents, as well as promoting the development of communication technologies in the city.

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