Lawmalker calls on gov’t to monitor casino social responsibilities

Lawmaker Leong Sun Iok has called for oversight of casino social responsibility programs.

The lawmaker from the Macao Federation of Trade Unions (FAOM) emphasized the need for the gaming industry to complement government efforts in supporting employment, training local talent and promoting economic diversification.

In a press conference on the legislative work review of FAOM’s lawmakers, Leong recalled the new gambling license terms require gaming companies to bear a series of social responsibilities.

FAOM has been urging the government to closely monitor and disclose the companies’ performance in this area, to achieve the desired economic and social benefits for the community.

One key area is protecting the employment of satellite field employees.

As the transition period for these workers expires next year, Leong expressed concerns over their job security and called for the government to provide clarity on the future of the satellite field operations.

Additionally, the lawmaker advocated for the extension and expansion of the government’s consumption rewards program, which provides incentives for residents to boost local spending.

He also suggested gaming companies leverage their resources and events to further promote community economic revitalization, such as issuing coupons for participants to use at local businesses.

Leong emphasized the need for the government to dynamically evaluate the effectiveness of its efforts to revitalize the six major gaming-related areas and host large-scale events.

He stressed that non-gaming projects should focus on cultivating emerging industries, new economic growth points, and high-tech talent, in line with the direction of moderate economic diversification. Victoria Chan

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