Lawmaker calls for deeper look into fraud case trends

Lawmaker José Pereira Coutinho is calling for authorities to conduct a more in-depth analysis on the factors contributing to the apparent contradiction between the growing number of fraud

Lawmaker calls for updated regulations as noise pollution plagues communities

Lawmaker José Pereira Coutinho has urged the Macau government to amend the existing noise regulations to better reflect the realities of the region’s high-density population and

Lawmakers call for comprehensive revision of labor laws to keep up with city’s changes

As Macau continues to undergo social and economic development, local legislators are calling for comprehensive revisions to the city’s labor laws to better safeguard the rights and

AL committee acknowledges ambiguity in new illegal gambling law

Lawmaker Chan Chak Mo conceded yesterday that certain concepts and parameters of the new illegal gambling law under scrutiny remain ambiguous and lack a clear

Lawmaker Coutinho asks gov’t about civil servant healthcare

The government should implement measures to uphold the healthcare rights of civil servants amid the intense environment of the past three years, lawmaker José Pereira

Lawmakers concerned with time allowed to discuss new aviation bill

The lawmakers on the Third Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL) are concerned about the short time allowed for the discussion of the details of

Lawmaker calls for gov’t to tighten noise controls

The city should see stricter control over domestic and low-frequency noises amid escalating complaints against noise pollution, lawmaker Ron Lam has said in his latest

Committee lawmakers mostly satisfied with casino credit bill

Lawmakers are mostly satisfied with the first version of the bill presented by the government to update laws regulating the granting of credit to gamblers

Lawmaker says better supervision on spending card binding needed

The government should order financial institutions to implement stricter or more secure measures when their payment cards are bound to consumption platforms, lawmaker Ron Lam

Lawmakers amend law to limit foreign lawyers in some cases

Hong Kong lawmakers this week passed an amendment to a law granting the city’s leader the power to bar overseas lawyers from handling national security cases,

Lawmaker insists on sex work criminalization

Lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng is again insisting on changing the law to criminalize all sex work in Macau. Wong has previously made similar calls, and

Lawmakers claim higher wages could solve local unemployment problem

Lawmakers Leong Sun Iok and José Pereira Coutinho have claimed higher wages could solve at least part of the unemployment rate among local residents. The

Lawmaker demands space at car inspections

Lawmaker Ron Lam demands that the Transport Bureau (DSAT) investigate the lack of bookable slots for vehicle inspection services. Lam revealed that he has

Lawmakers concerned over new rules for issuing bonds

The lawmakers of the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly are concerned with the new financial rules that no longer require bonds issued to the

Lawmaker calls for compensation to San Ma Lo affected businesses

Businesses adversely affected by the San Ma Lo pedestrian lane event should be compensated, lawmaker Pereira Coutinho has noted in his latest inquiry. Officially referred

Lawmakers propose to clarify codes on privately managed parking lots

The government should clarify regulations concerning parking lots operated privately on private land, which may consequentially increase the number of such facilities in older districts,

New Hope lawmakers want more financial support from gov’t to residents

Two lawmakers from New Hope (Nova Esperança), a group linked with the Macau Civil Servants Association (ATFPM), believe that the financial support handed out so far by

Lawmaker calls for fair pay for civil servants who worked during lockdown

A line should be drawn to equalize the compensation for civil servants who worked during the June 18 Covid-19 outbreak, lawmaker Ron Lam has advocated in

Lawmaker Ron Lam calls for better pedestrian paths

Lawmaker Ron Lam has proposed that the government improve planning and construction of infrastructure for pedestrians, particularly auxiliary facilities for the paths. Lam recently submitted a written enquiry on

Ron Lam urges gov’t to pay for micro to medium enterprises’ NAT

Lawmaker Ron Lam has delivered a spoken inquiry calling on the government to ease the burden on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) who currently need

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