‘Little Rabbit Lanterns’ in Lisbon

coluna-DSC_1461The exhibition “Little Rabbit Lanterns – An Exhibition of Carlos Marreiros & Friends” kicks off with an opening ceremony today at Gallery Espaço Arte Livre, in Lisbon, Portugal. According to a press release issued by Albergue SCM, the exhibition “is a small selection of lanterns displayed over ten exhibitions with the same name, held since 2009, in different places.” The 30 artists featured in the show were invited by Albergue SCM to create their works inspired by the rabbit lantern. These lanterns combine traditional Chinese techniques with contemporary creativity and have been made by artists from different parts of the world such as Macau, China, Hong Kong, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, The Philippines, France and Thailand.

Vegetarian food carnival to kick off next Friday

Buddha’s Light International Association of Macau is organizing a vegetarian food carnival, from May 13 to May 15, at the Fisherman’s Wharf, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the association and the birthday of Buddha, according to a report by Macao Daily News. The organizer invited more than one hundred vegetarian food restaurants from Macau, Taiwan, and Philippines to participate in the celebrations, and to provide a selection of diverse vegetarian dishes. Additionally, Buddhism lectures and movies, will be offered. Approximately 20,000 gifts will be given to the participants.

Zhuhai food suppliers inspected for selling unqualified seafood

Results from a seafood sampling inspection conducted by the Guangdong Food and Drug Administration show that 27 percent of the products analyzed did not meet safety standards, according to a report by Macao Daily News. The samples contained prohibited drugs, such as Malachite green. Eight food suppliers in Zhuhai are included in the official report’s blacklist, as their products which tested positive for the aforementioned substances included perch, shrimp, razor shell and clams. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) said that these problems have not been found in products imported from mainland. IACM claimed that all seafood imported from the mainland goes through a mandatory hygiene inspection before being eventually supplied to markets.

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