Macao Water, Tsinghua University join forces to cultivate talent

Macao Water has announced that it will partner with the School of Environment at Tsinghua University to provide opportunities for students to undertake practical work with the aim of nurturing talent. The water supplier will bring students from top-ranking universities in the country to participate in water supply services and research in Macau. The partnership will promote in-depth integration between industry, academia and the research sector, while comprehensively safeguarding the city’s water supply and driving industry development by stimulating innovative thinking in staff. Macao Water initiated negotiations with the university on the matter in early 2021, and a cooperation agreement was signed at the end of the same year.

CTM customers can donate bonus points to dog protection group 

CTM announced that the Everyone Stray Dogs Macau Volunteer Group has become the twelfth beneficiary organization of the “CTM Bonus Point Donation Scheme.” The scheme was launched by CTM in 2014, with the aim of encouraging customers to participate in charity activities. For every 4,000 points donated by customers, CTM will pay MOP40 to the charitable organization of the customer’s choice. In 2021, customers donated more than 26 million bonus points to the scheme, with CTM paying out a total of MOP264,840 to support the charity work of eleven beneficiary organizations participating in the scheme.

Gov’t dumps 720kg of milk as cargo wrapping tests Covid positive

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has decided to destroy a batch of milk imported from Hong Kong as its external stability plastic wrapping tested positive for Covid-19. The batch of milk was packed in 60 cartons and weighed 720kg in total. According to the IAM, on Monday, it took a sample of the outer plastic wrap of the cargo to test, which yielded positive results for SARS-CoV-2. The IAM conducted repeated tests on the wrapping and ultimately decided to destroy the cargo. It also triggered its emergency contingency to cordon off the warehouse, as well as all frozen and chilled cargo. It will also conduct sanitization procedures on the venue. Repeated tests will be run on the cargo too.

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