Macau Airport renews environmental accreditation

The Macau International Airport (MIA) has recently had its annual Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) renewed for one year.
A statement issued by the Macau Airport Company noted that the airport had been working to reduce its carbon emissions for many years. Its efforts have been recognized by the ACA Program.
The MIA Carbon Management Plan was revised in 2019. A target was set to reduce carbon emissions per movement by 30% from the levels in 2018. The airport had managed to reduce its emissions by 14% from its levels in 2018, 16% less than their goal. The airport did not offer an explanation for why the goal was unmet.
However, the airport pointed out that it would be more difficult to achieve more significant reductions in carbon emissions per movement “due to the significant decrease in the number of movements caused by the outbreak of Covid-19,” the airport wrote in the statement.
Launched by Airports Council International (ACI), the aim of the ACA program is to encourage and enable airports to implement best practices in carbon reduction, with the ultimate objective of becoming carbon neutral.
The MIA was awarded Level 2 “Reduction” in the ACA program in May 2014 and the accreditation is subject to renewal every year.
The airport was accredited after the calculations and emissions data of the Airport Operations Department had been verified by a qualified third-party verifier. In addition, all the required documents, such as the Environmental Policy and procedures of Airport Operations Department, were reviewed by ACI. AL

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