Macau, Hengqin agree to develop tourism businesses hand in hand

A “joint discussion and construction” mechanism will be established to promote Hengqin and Macao tourism industries and realize resource complementarity and mutual assistance in tourist attraction, the Hengqin government announced in a statement.

The Hotel & Tourism Association of Macao and Hengqin Tourism Association signed a framework agreement last week to strategically cooperate in tourism businesses. They met at the Macao-Hengqin Tourism Business Cooperation Conference at Sumlodol Hengqin Camping Town and explored development prospects of the culture, tourism, convention and exhibition industries in the two regions.

Meanwhile, both parties will strengthen cooperation in tourism, use publicity activities to promote tourism destinations in the other region, jointly create tourism brands, and develop tourism products as well as domestic and foreign tourist markets.

Under the Overall Development Plan for Construction of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, efforts will be made to develop comprehensive tourism industries like leisure and vacation, conferences and exhibitions, sports events and sightseeing as well as “big health” industry covering healthcare and rehabilitation. Development of tourism resources on surrounding islands will also be enhanced to promote independent yacht travel in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. MDT

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