Macau records MOP613b in financial reserves

 As of April this year, the city has recorded a total of MOP613.03 billion in financial reserves. Of this sum, the city has MOP279.4 billion in deposits and current accounts. It also holds bonds to the value of MOP152.3 billion, as well as other investments totaling MOP177.1 billion. The safe of Macau also has approximately MOP4.2 billion in other assets. As for liabilities, the city has MOP9 billion in debt. In fiscal reserve capital, the city has MOP613 billion, of which MOP145 billion is in basic reserves and MOP486.5 billion is in surplus reserves.  Due to the use of the financial reserves for additional budgets to fund pandemic relief measures, funds record a deficit of MOP18.45 billion.

Unsettled weather to continue

Tropical storm “Chaba” is expected to move NW slowly and generally towards the area between the western coast of Guangdong and Hainan Island. The chance of issuing tropical cyclone signal no.3 is relatively high from the early morning to noon today, the weather bureau informed. Under the influence of the broad circulation of the storm, its related rainband will start to bring unsettled weather to Macau. Flooding below 0.5m is expected to occur tomorrow, between morning and noon. Also, the winds will intensify, with frequent showers and thunderstorms from today to Sunday.

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