Macau refuses entry to another Hong Kong politician

The vice chairman of political party Third Side, Caspar Wong, was denied entry to Macau, Hong Kong media reported. According to RTHK, Wong has demanded an explanation from Macau authorities after he was barred at the ferry terminal.

Wong left Hong Kong for Macau yesterday to attend a financial forum on FinTech (see p8). But he said he was denied entry by immigration authorities who told him he posed a threat to the city’s security.

Wong told HK Free Press that it was his first time to be barred from Macau and speculated that it could be related to the city’s 18th Handover anniversary today. He said he was able to enter the city on September 28 – a few days before China’s National Day – and usually enters Macau a few times every year.

However, Wong said he was puzzled by the decision, as Third Side is a moderate political party.

Several members of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy camp have been refused entry into Macau in recent months, “ostensibly” for the same reason, RTHK remarked.

Categories Macau