Macau student expelled for killing second cat


A student from Macau was expelled by the National Taiwan University (NTU) after killing a second cat in Taipei, according to a report by Jornal Va Kio.
The school’s Student Disciplinary Committee made the decision on Monday and announced it the following day, suggesting that the student seek medical attention immediately.
The student, surnamed Chen, has killed two cats to date. In January, The Student Disciplinary Committee  punished him with two demerits and two minor demerits after he was found to have tortured and killed a stray cat last year.
Chen’s first case generated anger from the public, with more than 14,000 netizens signing a petition to expel him from NTU.
The second cat belonged to a restaurant in Taipei, where CCTV footage proved that Chen had captured the cat at the beginning of August. He turned himself in to the police four days after the incident.
According to a BBC report, the Macau Tertiary Education Services Office said that “the office respects NTU’s decision, and hopes [for] Macau students who are studying outside the territory to cherish their opportunities of studying overseas, as well as to obey local laws.”
NTU stated that it had already issued course credits to Chen, even though he is no longer a student at the institution. Chen can still complete his tertiary education by applying to other schools with these credits.
NTU added that they are willing to provide counseling services for Chen.   Staff reporter

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