Markets opening 30 minutes earlier

Six markets under the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) are now scheduled to open at 7 a.m., 30 minutes earlier than before, the bureau informed in a statement.

The bureau aims to standardize the opening times of all markets “in order to facilitate the shopping of the citizens in all those places.”

According to IACM, the revised opening times coincide with new customs regulations which allow the entry of fresh and live food products into Macau through the Border Gate from 6 a.m. as of last month. These conditions anticipate the opening of six markets: Tamagnini Barbosa Municipal Market, Iao Hon Municipal Market, S. Domingos Market, Almmirante Lacerda Municipal Market (Red Market), Horta da Mitra Municipal Market and S. Lourenço Municipal Market.
Closing times remain as before from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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