MGTO hosts 2nd group of HK students to educational tour in Macau

A second group of 40 secondary school students from Hong Kong has visited Macau for an educational tour, which covered several sites, the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has announced.

The tour was the second occasion so far this year. Both tours were held in association with the Young Post of South China Morning Post (SCMP).

The statement said the young travelers explored different famous attractions such as the Ruins of St. Paul’s, Na Tcha Temple, Mount Fortress, Macao Museum, Macau Tower and Macao Grand Prix Museum.

A guided tour was arranged for the students to learn more about the exhibits and motorsport culture in Macau at the Macao Grand Prix Museum.

“As a highlight of the tour, the students also visited the Macao Science Center, which is one of the ‘National Science Popularization and Education Bases’ and ‘National Scientist Spirit Education Bases’ as well as a learning space that fosters Macau’s ‘City of Education Study Tours’ project. Their visit furthers educational tourism development in Macau,” the MGTO said.

It was also disclosed that following a pre-selection process, the news outlet provided English media writing lessons for students in preparation for the educational tour, to enhance their related skills and writing of travelogues about their education tour experiences in Macau. AL

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