New Central Library might cost less than MOP900m

Tang Mei Lin and Ung Vai Meng (left)

Tang Mei Lin and Ung Vai Meng (left)

The Central Library might not cost the previously announced MOP900 million, the president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), Ung Vai Meng, admitted yesterday at a press conference held by the IC in order to “clarify” the project to the public.
According to Ung “it all depends on the inflation rate. If the inflation rate is not that high the final budget might [be as little as] MOP 700million,” he said, adding that the amount of MOP 900million was merely “an estimation based on the estimated cost by square meter from 2015.” To that cost was added an inflation factor of 5 percent per year until 2019, when it was, at that time, expected that the project would be completed.
He also said that the sum is considered “reasonable” by the IC, taking into consideration the scope of the project and the value of what is to be built.
As advanced by Tang Mei Lin, director of the Department of Management of Public Libraries: “This will be a smart building.” She added, “we are paying a great deal of attention to the budget,” noting the “long-term” vision of the project and its importance.
Another piece of information put forward yesterday during the press conference, was a statement by Ung who said, “we have chosen not to have an international public tender for this construction as we are aiming for greater participation of local architects.” He said that the decision would not only contribute to the “technicality” of the project but also would bring “local culture” knowledge to its design.
It was previously announced that the old court building would serve as the site for a new 11-story building, preserving only the façade and part of the interior structure – like stairways – of the structure. Tang reaffirmed that “the location is of easy access [as it] is located in the city center and has several bus stops and a public car park in the surrounding.” Her comments were echoed by Ung, who remarked: “The location in the city center [is an advantage as the building] will also make more services available to citizens.”
It was also made known yesterday that the architecture budget was not included in the MOP900 million estimate.
The project of the Central Library and namely its costs and location have been heavily criticized by several sectors of the society, highlighted by last week’s comments by the president of the Legislative Assembly, Ho Iat Seng, calling for a clarification on the need to spend such resources on a library.

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