New mandate at AL is a decision from citizens, Sou says

The possibility of being re-elected for a new mandate as a lawmaker at the Legislative Assembly (AL) is a matter that requires evaluation and is a decision for the citizens of Macau, lawmaker Sulu Sou says.
Questioned on whether he is confident about his re-election for a new four-year term as a legislator, Sou said, “I can’t say we are confident because there are many uncertainties that arise from a democratic election, especially in Macau nowadays. But we know that we need to keep working and try our best to do good things every day as if it is the last day.”
For Sou, the possibility of being able to secure the votes that were achieved back in 2017 is the whole purpose of the election.
“Every four years, the citizens should review our performance and they have the chance to [either] change their vote or keep voting [for the same candidate]. That’s the importance of an election,” Sou said. He added that independently of whether or not citizens feel happy, they should vote and use their vote to express their feelings regarding the lawmakers’ work.
“We tried our best during the past four years – we were like [a convenience store] working around the clock. We also know that there is still a lot of space to improve and we keep improving, keep studying, and keep working. But we also think citizens have had many opportunities to get to know our work and they have placed their trust in us before [too].”
For the lawmaker, who will soon present his political platform for the September 12 elections, “It’s not about using words to say how good we were. It is about showing the actual work done and our performance to the public,” he concluded.

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