Offbeat | Free doomed? T-shirt typo turns heads at Mandela bicycle ride

Nelson Mandela had a way with words, but not quite like this.
Cyclists traversing Johannesburg in the former South African president’s honor wore T-shirts with one of his many inspiring quotations, along with a glaring typographical error in the word “freedom.”
The T-shirt read: “The purpose of freedoom is to create it for others.”
Organizer Hugh Fraser said that 5,000 T-shirts with the typo were made for last Sunday’s 35-kilometer “Freedom Ride,” which passed landmarks in downtown Johannesburg and the city’s Soweto area.
Fraser says the spelling mistake was “a bit of a PR hiccup” and that the cycling event was otherwise a big success. It came two days after the July 18 birthday of Mandela, who died in December at the age of 95.

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