
Over 80 schools gather at conference to promote international educational exchanges

More than 80 schools and enterprises from China, Hong-Kong, Macau and neighboring Asian countries gathered from April 15 to 16 for the 2023 ACAMIS Spring Leadership Conference.

Co-organized by The International School of Macao (TIS), the Canadian International School of Guangzhou (CIS) and the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), this edition was under the theme of “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow”.

“This conference is an excellent opportunity to share the latest developments in current international education and discuss future international education with colleagues in the sector,” school supervisor of TIS and member of the board of directors at the ACAMIS Howard Stribbell said during his welcome speech.

Many other educators and experts were invited to the conference, such as TIS Secondary School Principal Amanda Kiat, who spoke on mental health and life balance in school, but also TIS Technology Department Head Todd Voykin who talked about the development and impact of artificial intelligence.

“The International School of Macao believes that [such] participation and exchanges help understand the future trend and development of education, providing knowledge, insight and skills that will lay a foundation for students’ further development,” the school said in a statement. STAFF REPORTER

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