Preview | Greater Bay Area Lotus Cup to make GP debut

Running for the first time, and in lieu of the previously held Chinese Racing Cup, the Greater Bay Area Lotus Cup has made its way into the Macau Grand Prix (GP) programme, returning to the former one-brand series style.

This time, the race will involve a total of 21 Lotus Exige cars raced by drivers from Macau, Hong Kong and Mainland China.

For the first instance of this race, the field will be composed of a large majority of Hong Kong drivers (12) followed by Macau, with six drivers, and only three representatives from the mainland.

When launched in a joint partnership between the Automobile General Association Macao-China (AMMC), Hong Kong Automobile Association (HKAA) and Zhuhai Motorsports Association in July this year, organizers said that the race had the purpose of promoting the creation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Development Plan.

The organizers at the time also announced that the competition would be held as two racing events; the first, in Zhuhai during the Pan Delta Super Racing Festival, held last September, and the second, in Macau during the Macau Grand Prix.
It was also said that in future they intend to promote this category as a permanent event of the Macau Grand Prix, with more events to be added to the racing season and events to be held on the mainland.

This race completes the programme of the GP and as a one- brand series, in which the cars are subjected to a limited level of preparation, putting the focus almost exclusively on the skills and talent of the drivers.

Notably, some experienced drivers will participate this year – including Hong Kong’s Alexander Au and Yu Kam Cheong, among others. Macau will also be represented by very experienced competitors included in the group of the favorites, such as Mak Ka Lok who already raced in Macau in several series, including WTCC and Eurico de Jesus just to name a few.

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