Public works

Prison to move behind new bars in 2024

The new prison facility in Ka Ho will finally enter into operations in 2024 after all the relocation procedures are concluded, the government assured the members of the Follow-up Committee for Public Finance Affairs of the Legislative Assembly (AL).

During this final process, a working group will be created to coordinate the relocation and trial operation of the new prison, the committee chairperson, lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng said in a media briefing after the committee meeting.

Admitting that the construction has suffered several long delays, a topic that raised concern for the members, the lawmaker noted that the government claims to have conducted an evaluation of the causes of the delays. Wong concluded that besides the impact of the pandemic, the delays were mostly because the contractor failed to proactively solve the problems encountered in the construction process.

For the time being, it is not yet certain what the consequences of these delays will be. Wong stated only that the government has told the lawmakers that it will actively follow up on the reasons for the delays and will supervise the construction process closely, especially in the progress and quality of the construction for the third phase of the project.

Lawmakers urged the government to increase inspection and supervision, and strictly follow the regime that establishes sanctions such as fines for contractors who fail to comply with deadlines for the conclusion of public works.

Wong noted that the first two phases of the construction project have been completed, but that the second phase still needs some adjustments and improvements. The third and final phase is expected to be completed during the first two quarters of this year (finishing in June).

The project will then be handed to the new task force from the Correctional Services Bureau, which will coordinate the relocation from the current facilities to the new facilities, as well as testing the equipment and facility. This is anticipated to take between one year and 18 months to conclude.

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