Regional team wins WBC Championship

A local youth, together with four teammates, three from Hong Kong and one from Taiwan, won the championship of the World Balloon Convention (WBC) 2016, which took place last week in New Orleans, Apple Daily reported.
The four champions are under 30 years old, and each spent around HKD40,000 in order to enter the competition. They took three months to come up with their masterpiece concept, which they called “Poseidon”, a 2.8-meter-tall, 1.83-meter-long, and 1.83-meter-wide balloon art work. This winning piece of art was complemented by special sound effects, background music and lighting, and even produced a loud scream whenever someone approached it. According to Manson Lam, one of the winners from Hong Kong, his team took 12 hours to design and build the balloon, which won against participants from over 60 countries.  Another said that “Hong Kong youth not only know how to do school work, but they can also make Hong Kong proud [besides studying].”
The WBC is a world event for the balloon and party industry, and it is held annually. The first edition took place in 2010.

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