Regional youth sports activity ends today

coluna-The Sichuan-Macao Youth Sports Exchange Activity is ending today. The southwest Chinese province sent a group of 36 people to Macau to participate in the five-day event, which started on April 15. The teenage athletes exhibited their talent in four sports – synchronized swimming, martial arts, table tennis and badminton – while coaches arranged for a selection of physical training programs for the participants. The event was originally established in 2009 after an agreement was reached by both regions’ sports departments.

Hole in Taipa road barricaded by police

A hole was found on Sunday on Estr. Alm. Marques Esparteiro, in Taipa, close to Rotunda Dr. Carlos Augusto Correa Pães d’Assumpção, Macao Daily News reported. The hole, which is about one square meter in size, opened up at one of the sewer manholes. The situation was reported by a driver. The Public Security Police Force had already arranged a set of barricades surrounding the hole to prevent vehicles from getting too close to it. The causes of this occurrence are now under investigation. Meanwhile the PSP has posited that it might have been due to one of the sewer manhole covers having fallen.

Secretary Chan: ‘Transparency to fight corruption’

The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Sonia Chan, said in an interview with TDM that the government can create more transparent mechanisms to fight corruption in the MSAR. She told the public broadcaster that they are trying to rationalize public services and increase the efficiency of government workers through the merging of several public departments. Chan added that it was inevitable that some positions of public servants would need to be adjusted. “Some interests might be stirred up in the midst of an administrative reform, but we have to review the current public services system as we have to ensure a smooth implementation of government policies, while at the same time booting public servants’ momentum at work,” Chan clarified in the interview.

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