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Renowned educator Anne van Dam headlines TIS’s first-ever Early Childhood Education Conference

The International School of Macao (TIS) marked a significant milestone in early childhood education, with its first Early Childhood Education (ECE) Conference on Jan. 20, 2024. Inquiry-based educator Anne van Dam from the Netherlands was the keynote speaker, alongside notable attendees including DSEDJ’s Chen ZiChang and TIS Head of School Lorne Schmidt, according to a note from TIS.

Lorne Schmidt set the tone for the conference, lauding Anne van Dam for her influential session on “The Power of Play,” which highlighted the crucial role of play in developing children’s creativity, competence, and confidence.

The event featured a variety of sessions by TIS teachers and specialists, addressing key topics like child safeguarding, language difficulties, and application of the Reggio Emilia approach in education.

With over 120 participants, the conference served as “a vibrant international networking platform,” fostering a community focused on enhancing early childhood education.

Additionally, a special parent session with Anne van Dam emphasized the value of play in child development, encouraging active parental involvement in education.

Anne van Dam commended the conference’s emphasis on children’s rights, stating, “It is really powerful and important that people have come here to learn together… I think it is going to have a ripple effect in other schools.”

TIS continues to champion a “nurturing learning environment,” aiming to nurture a community of lifelong learners who contribute positively to the global community, the school added.

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