Sou questions Chui’s responsibility during Hato

Sulu Sou fiercely questioned the CE during yesterday’s AL session, about “whether you [Chui] admit that you should [account] for the political responsibilities for the Hato disaster.”

“The Chief Executive, up until this moment, still owes the public an explanation. Nearly three months after the disaster, you are still avoiding accountability for the political responsibilities for that day [August 23] as Chief Executive. Some people ask if you are the Chief Executive or if Fong [Soi King, the former SMG head] is. […] But as Chief Executive for eight years, you let your subordinates behave according to their own will, […] recently, [the government] even launched a non-political municipal organization. […] You did not even express a single word admitting your responsibilities for the Hato disaster. […] If this policy address is not achieved, who are we going to look for [to held accountable],” asked Sou.

Although Chui Sai On did not answer Sou’s question in a straightforward manner, he reaffirmed that a special team is investigating the case, and that once the investigation is completed, the public will be informed of who should be held accountable for the Hato disaster.

According to Chui, the investigation is being carried out by three people, and its targets include all governmental organizations and members.

On the non-political municipal organization, which was also strongly opposed by Ng Kuok Cheong, Chui mentioned that the public can still voice their opinions on the topic.

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