Students launch feel-good demonstration

3-IMG_3327A group of high school students took to Rua do Campo yesterday brandishing large boards decorated in the unique style of Macau’s blue-and-white road signs, which resemble traditional ceramics.
The signs, which are written in Chinese, say: “Today I’m going to give my best” and “Today is full of expectations.” An accompanying Portuguese message reads: “We call ourselves the YoLo Crew”.
Sporting badges and t-shirts with their own branding, the students told the Times that they are seeking “to make a difference” by sharing a positive message to brighten people’s days.
The crew has named themselves after the popular YOLO Internet acronym sensation, “You Only Live Once,” which is similar to the Latin expression, “carpe diem” (seize the day).
One member of the group was on hand with a Polaroid camera to take photos with passers-­by and sign-bearers. The photos were given to participating members of the public as mementos of the experience and  reminders of the message.
The student representatives currently do not have a website or Facebook page. They have held a similar demonstration before, but do not plan to hold another until next year. DB

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