Taxi drivers protest against new regulation proposal

1-TAXI-macauOver 20 taxi drivers protested in front of the legislative assembly building yesterday to oppose the proposal for new taxi service regulations, TDM reported.
The Transport Bureau (DSAT) recently submitted a proposal to start carrying out sting operations, revoke taxi licenses, and apply suspensions, all in order to regulate the taxi industry. Those who protested are hoping that DSAT will withdraw the proposal.
“Plainclothes officers frequently make unfair use of the law, so we therefore decided to protest against it,” declared Chan, vice president of the Taxi Driver Rights Association. According to Chan, DSAT engaged in conversations only with a few representatives from the taxi industry. Protesters left the area around ten minutes after being persuaded to move on.
Later in the afternoon, the association went to DSAT to deliver a letter, in which it opposed the authority’s proposed policy amendments. The president of the association, surnamed Cheung, attended this activity and stated that “there are no taxi drivers in the Traffic Advisory Board, which means it can’t speak for our industry.” He then complained that the government has applied excessive fines to taxi operators but never provided them with subsidies, whereby, in his words, “the industry is getting smothered.” Although sympathetic to their plight, Cheung also expressed disagreement with taxi drivers who drive slowly around the border gate around midnight. He further declared that drivers are planning to protest again on Monday.
The recent DSAT proposal anticipates sanctions for taxi drivers caught breaking the law more than four times within one year. In addition, a second-level penalty will consist of a one-month suspension.

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