
Tons of trash washed ashore on Macau coastline in the last few days

The Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) has revealed a large quantity of trash and several kinds of debris has washed ashore on Macau’s coastline, namely at Fai Chi Kei, Barra, and Hac Sa Beach.

After inspection and having started to coordinate the cleaning of the areas, DSAMA is said to have collected, in the past few days, around four tons of trash and debris per day, which more than doubles the normal quantity regularly collected.

DSAMA said the large number of objects washing ashore is related to the heavy rain of the last few days, particularly in the regions upstream of the Pearl River. The rain has caused some minor flooding and has dragged many of these objects into the sea, which are now arriving at the coastal areas of Macau.

Inspection of the sea also found many areas covered with garbage and debris, and the DSAMA expects that in the next few days more objects will be washed ashore. They are calling on residents to pay attention to the issue and avoid using the beaches before the authorities manage to clean them.

Additionally, in the areas of Barra, Inner Harbour, and Fai Chi Kei, DSAMA has also reported unusual quantities of dead fish, which has necessitated cleaning to avoid more contamination and bad smells, among other hazards.

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