Traffic accident injures woman aged 67


A 67-year-old woman was hit by a taxi while walking across a zebra crossing on Wednesday night, sustaining injuries to her left thigh, chest and both hands. The traffic accident occurred on Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, near Colegio Dom Bosco bus stop. The woman was taken to the Conde S. Januário Hospital for medical treatment in the company of her family. Firefighters reported that the woman lost consciousness on her way to the hospital. In May last year, a taxi injured three people after allegedly failing to give way at a pedestrian crossing. In September last year, a 71-year-old woman died after a bus hit her at a zebra crossing.

Thousands apply for second gov’t paid training

A total of 1,529 residents submitted applications on the first day of the second phase of the Labour Affairs Bureau’s (DSAL) paid work training program. The most popular training courses are related to interior design, furniture design, electronic technician training, and hotel lobby operation. The training program offers the attendees a certain amount of money once the course is completed. A worker taking the course can receive a maximum of 6,656 patacas upon completion. The entire program provides 2,000 training positions involving 20 types of jobs. Workers who attend 80% of the courses, participate in the relevant exams, and accept the DSAL’s offers for employment assistance can also receive a subsidy. In the first phase, 47 participants attended the bureau’s employment-matching session, of which 40 were eventually hired.

Flora Garden pedestrian tunnel construction to start next year

The local government is expecting to commence the construction of a pedestrian tunnel at Guia Hill in the second quarter of 2021. The tunnel will pass through Guia Hill, connecting ZAPE and Avenida de Horta e Costa. One side will end at the gas station next to Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, while the other side will end at Flora Garden. Once the tunnel is built, the distance between the two places will be shortened to approximately 400 meters from the current 1,100 meters. The maximum anticipated construction period is 800 working days.

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