TUI ends consideration of Sou’s appeal over AL mandate suspension

Sulu Sou pictured at the Legislative Assembly

The Court of Final Appeal (TUI) has made public its decision to terminate the consideration of an appeal submitted by lawmaker Sulu Sou regarding the legal grounds of his mandate suspension by the Legislative Assembly (AL).

The justification of the court states that the appeal was “dismissed as unnecessary” according to the Article 84 (e) of the Code of Administrative Litigation and Article 229 (e) of the Code of Civil Procedure, since a favorable decision on such an appeal would result in the return of the lawmaker to his seat in the AL, which has already happened.

Since the mandate of Sou was already reestablished, the court decided that it was useless to continue to analyze the appeal.

Sou’s Lawyer, Jorge Menezes, told the Times he agrees with the justifications of the Court, although noted that the intentions behind the appeal go “further than the interest of Sou alone.”
Menezes added that what was on the line was public interest and “to know in fact what are the powers of the AL and its relation with the judicial powers.”

The lawyer said that there is still a possibility to appeal the decision but he has not yet discussed this with his client. RM

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