TurboJET: ‘Fleet inspection’ causes reduced services

The company, TurboJET, has justified the reduction of daily services between Macau and Hong Kong, announced last week, as necessary for vessel fleet inspections, TDM Radio has reported, citing a response from the company.

As the Times reported last week, TurboJET has announced further reductions in the number of services between Macau and Hong Kong. At the time, the ferry operator did not provide a justification.

Sources close to the company indicated the changes were unlikely to be due to a reduction in passenger numbers but were instead related to an ongoing company restructuring of TurboJET’s staffing and vessels.

This restructuring has made it impossible for the company to maintain previous schedules, which peaked in April at 58 services per day (in both directions) between Sheung Wan and the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal.

TurboJET told TDM Radio the reductions are related to fleet issues.

The company said the reductions are temporary and that services will “gradually resume” after the ferry inspections.

However, TurboJET did not confirm whether all previous service schedules would resume or just some of them.RM

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