Two more cases reported Thursday morning; tally at 17

In the early hours of this morning, two new Covid-19 cases were suddenly reported.

The first case involves a 19-year-old female resident who studies in the United Kingdom. She traveled with four other people from London to Singapore and then onto Hong Kong before arriving in Macau via the bridge connecting the two territories. Three of her travel companions returned to Macau, while one has opted to remain in Hong Kong, the government informed.

The infected student underwent home quarantine after arriving in Macau on March 16, as per the relevant measures in force at the time. On March 18, she went to the public hospital. Her positive test result was only confirmed in the early hours of this morning.

The 17th case is the 11-year-old son of the 14th case, a 42-year-old woman from Indonesia who is related to an Indonesian non-resident worker in Macau. The child was tested because of his proximity to the 14th case. He is presently without symptoms.

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