Wage of local construction workers down 2% in Q4 2020


The average daily wage of construction workers dropped by 0.6% quarter-to-quarter to MOP739 in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2020. The daily salary for local and non-resident construction workers was MOP939 and MOP620 in Q4 2020, down 2.0% and up 0.3% respectively. In 2020, the average wage index of construction workers fell by 1.2% year-on-year in real terms, while that of local construction workers contracted 3.5%. The price index of construction materials for residential buildings advanced by 1.4% year-on-year in 2020.

Residential housing transactions up five in first-half of January

The number of the residential housing transactions in Macau totaled 215 in the first half of January 2021, up by five from the second half of December 2020, according to the latest data provided by the Financial Services Bureau (DSF). The average residential property price amounted to MOP102,705 per square meter in saleable areas.

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