WeChat reports on bus arrival time 96pct accurate

4-bloomberg-Macau New Era Public Company and the Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau (TCM) officially launched “MacauPublicBus,” consisting of a shared official WeChat account and a mobile web page.
“MacauPublicBus” can be used by the public to view bus routes, to check the arrival times of the two closest buses, and to obtain information of bus service times, bus stations and changes to routes.
The public can search for the account “MacauPublicBus” on WeChat in order to follow the recently launched system. The system has so far been running smoothly, with its accuracy reportedly reaching 96 percent.
However, due to the complex coordination of satellite positioning technologies, along with the geography of Macau, it is possible that the system might present an error deviation of about 4 percent.For instance, the routes passing nearby the Border Gate, as well as routes comprising two bus stations within short distances, will possibly be affected by the reception of the satellite positioning signals.

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