World Briefs

CHINA A Chinese peacekeeper killed while serving with the U.N. mission in Mali was given a hero’s funeral in his home province yesterday. State media reports said thousands of people lined the streets along the route from the funeral home to the cemetery for national heroes.

CHINA-ASEAN Continuing Beijing’s push to ease concerns about its assertions of sovereignty over the South China Sea, foreign minister Wang Yi told his Southeast Asian counterparts yesterday that both sides should take a “long-term perspective” as they try to solve their disputes.

Severe Weather-Texas

MYANMAR An official says a military helicopter has crashed in the jungle in northern Myanmar, killing three officers on board. The aircraft went down yesterday in the jungle near Daik U town, some 150 kilometers northeast of Yangon.

India Trump Birthday

INDIA A small group of Donald Trump fans in India celebrated the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s 70th birthday yesterday in a New Delhi park. This is the second event the group has staged, after last month a dozen members lit a ritual fire and chanted mantras asking Hindu gods to help Trump win the U.S. presidential election.

MALDIVES A newly formed opposition alliance says it will seek to oust the Maldives’s president and form an interim government to ensure elections scheduled in 2018 will be free and fair.

AUSTRALIA is considering canceling the visa of an Islamic cleric who has reportedly preached against homosexuality, the government said yesterday. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that the country has “zero tolerance” for people who preach hatred in Australia.

BAHRAIN suspends the country’s largest Shiite political group and freezes its assets amid a widening crackdown on activists.

Soccer Euro 2016 Russia UEFA

EURO 2016 Groups of Russia fans are being deported from France after repeated scenes of violence, the BBC reported. French police blamed 150 “well-trained” Russian hooligans for clashes before England played Russia in Marseille. Meanwhile, six English fans were jailed yesterday [Macau time].

EU-TURKEY The European Union’s top envoy to Turkey has resigned, less than a year into the job, after falling out with officials in Ankara at a critical juncture in EU-Turkey relations.

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