World Briefs

CHINA is restricting TV shows that use formats from abroad such as “The Voice of China,” which is based on a Dutch talent show, in a move it says is intended to lead to more innovation and original programming among Chinese TV channels.

KOREAS As the South’s main spy agency prepares a courtroom defense of its continued detention of 12 N. Korean waitresses it says fled from China, Pyongyang is using the women’s relatives and colleagues to step up its accusations that they were tricked into leaving their jobs and essentially kidnapped. The case has become a bitter point of contention between the two Koreas.
Mideast Iraq

NEW ZEALAND announced yesterday that it plans to keep its small contingent of troops in Iraq for an additional 18 months as it continues to back the U.S.-led coalition’s efforts to defeat the Islamic State group.

PHILIPPINES The Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia agreed yesterday to take possible coordinated actions, including sea and air patrols, to stop an alarming wave of cross-border kidnappings and boat attacks by Abu Sayyaf extremists and other outlaws.

PHILIPPINES Incoming President Rodrigo Duterte’s economic team says it aims to cut the country’s poverty rate by at least 30 to 35 percent within his six-year term, focusing on projects to lift the rural poor.

Thailand Gruesome Lesson

THAILAND Convicted drunken drivers are brought to a Bangkok morgue to see a corpse and reflect on the gory consequences of their actions as part of a program aimed at combating the carnage on Thailand’s roads. Thailand has the world’s second-worst record for traffic fatalities, just behind Libya.

NEPAL In a nationwide crackdown on medical charlatans, Nepalese police arrest 53 people for allegedly working as doctors with fake credentials or false education certificates and say more suspects would be arrested this week.

AFGHANISTAN A Taliban suicide bomber kills 14 Nepalese security guards in an attack on their minibus in Kabul. Elsewhere, a bomb rigged to a motorbike kills 10 Afghan civilians during morning rush hour in a busy market.

Croatia Government

CROATIA Lawmakers voted yesterday to dissolve parliament, paving the way for early elections after the government fell in a no-confidence vote last week. The vote was 137 in favor of dissolving Parliament, two against and one abstention. Premier Tihomir Oreskovic (pictured) and his government fell after weeks of political deadlock that has stalled much-needed economic reform in the newest EU member state.

Nico Rosberg, Sergio Perez

FORMULA ONE Nico Rosberg won Azerbaijan GP, beating Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel who finished second, 16.6s adrift of Rosberg. Force India’s Sergio Perez passed Kimi Raikkonen on the penultimate lap to take third. Rosberg’s victory at the Baku street circuit pushed his lead over Hamilton in the drivers’ championship from nine points to 24.

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