China dispatches vaccine, syringe aid to 66 countries

China has completed dispatching COVID-19 vaccines and syringes to 66 countries and one international organization as of Sunday amid efforts to provide vaccine aid and strengthen international cooperation, the Ministry

Taiwan reports 219 COVID-19 cases, 22 deaths

Taiwan yesterday reported 219 cases of COVID-19, all of which were local infections, as well as 22 deaths from the disease, the island’s disease monitoring agency said. Of the new local

Xinhua Focus | Xi’s care for intangible cultural heritage bears fruit

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has stressed developing more local specialty industries and achieving better development through innovation. Xi made the remarks on Monday

This day in history | 1958 Queen opens revamped Gatwick

The Queen has opened London’s new and extended airport at Gatwick on the Surrey-Sussex border 25 miles (40km) south of the capital. Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived by

Maldives foreign minister elected as UN assembly president

Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid of the Maldives won election as the next president of the U.N. General Assembly yesterday, and pledged to push for equal access to coronavirus vaccines, a

Trade | US deficit dips to $68.9 billion with exports up

The U.S. trade deficit narrowed in April to $68.9 billion as an improving global economy boosted sales of American exports. The April deficit, the gap between what America buys from abroad

Economy | World Bank sees 5.6% global growth in 2021, best since 1973

The World Bank is upgrading the outlook for global growth this year, predicting that COVID-19 vaccinations and massive government stimulus in rich countries will power the fastest worldwide expansion in

SJM supports 2021 World Environment Day

Melco launches 3-year residency show, featuring HK superstars

The three superstars will be performing a collective of 90 exclusive shows at Studio City from 2021 to 2024. Further first-class artists will join this lineup with their bespoke shows

All Roads – blocked off roads – lead to Tokyo Olympics

Roads were being closed off yesterday around Tokyo Olympic venues, including the new $1.4 billion National Stadium where the opening ceremony is set for July 23. This is a clear sign

The Buzz | German military to ship surplus beer back from Afghanistan

The German military says it has found a solution for an unusual logistics problem its troops in Afghanistan face: a glut of beer. Defense Ministry spokeswoman Christina Routsi said that a

Global sting: FBI-encrypted app tricks organized crime

A global sting involving an encrypted communications platform developed by the FBI has sparked raids and arrests around the world, delivering “an unprecedented blow” to crime gangs, law enforcement authorities

World Views | Intensive tutoring and summer sessions may be needed to catch students up after the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial reductions in student learning in metro-Atlanta public elementary and middle schools. What’s more, these impacts have grown over time, according to our new

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – edition no. 3789

  * No mass testing, not yet — Health chief denies ‘rumors,’ saying that no date set yet for citywide Covid-19 test * Scoot’s sudden rescheduling puts passengers in trouble * Pro-Beijing lawmakers called

Plastic straw ban a step forward but will not suffice in reducing waste: environmentalists

The government’s goal to ban the import of single-use drinking straws and stirrers next year is considered a good call by environmentalists; however, the main message that they want to

IAM dispatch staff for emergency repairs on Coloane road

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has deployed staff to perform emergency repair works on a road section of Rua de Entrecampos in Coloane Island. According to a statement from IAM that

Covid-19 | Singapore to operate transits for returning Macau residents

After negotiations with Singapore Airlines Group, the government announced yesterday that deals have been made with the airline company and its subsidiary, Scoot Airlines, to help with transiting Macau residents

Covid-19 | SAFP warns all public services to reinforce prevention measures

  The Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) has issued a notice calling on all public services and government departments to place increased attention on epidemic prevention measures. This call comes

20-year-old student caught shoplifting

A 20-year-old university student, a non-permanent resident of Macau, has been caught shoplifting at a store located in a mall in Cotai, the Public Security Police Force (PSP) spokesperson informed

Crime | Stolen credit card data cases continue to rise

The Judiciary Police (PJ) has received another four complaints related to illegal use of credit card data for the acquisition of goods or services on the internet, a PJ spokesperson

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