Zelenskyy goes to Capitol Hill to grim mood as aid for Ukraine risks collapse

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will arrive on Capitol Hill to a darker mood than when he swooped in last winter for a hero’s welcome, as the Russian

1981 Military crackdown on Polish people

Poland’s military rulers have declared a state of emergency after imposing martial law and placing leaders of the Solidarity trade union under arrest. The country is

Turkey suspends all league games after club president punches referee

The Turkish Football Federation has suspended all league games in the country after a club president punched the referee in the face at the end of a

China’s homegrown aircraft arrives in Hong Kong in maiden flight

A Chinese C919 jet arrived in Hong Kong yesterday in the Chinese-made plane’s first foray outside of mainland China as its manufacturer prepares to take on Airbus

Poland’s newly elected PM Tusk presents his government and is to face a confidence vote

New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says his government will mobilize to keep the world committed to helping Ukraine. Tusk said it hurts him to hear Ukraine’s president to

Phase out of fossil fuels – do as the EU and the US say…

Several countries in the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, as well as NGOs, have been campaigning to include language

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 – edition no. 4388

— National security education to be implemented in 2024-25 academic year * Motorsport | First Asia & GBA Racing Festival this weekend * Hasta la vista! — Festive season outbound travel 90% of

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