Colonized countries rarely ask for redress over past wrongs – the reasons can be complex

The king of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander, apologized in July 2023 for his ancestors’ role in the colonial slave trade. He is not alone in

Cabral’s backheel goal in stoppage time secures a spot for Benfica in Europa League

RB Salzburg 1, Benfica 3 Arthur Cabral’s backheel goal in stoppage time gave Benfica a 3-1 win over Salzburg in the Champions League yesterday , with

China-made C919, ARJ21 passenger jets on display in Hong Kong

Chinese aerospace company COMAC has showcased its domestically-developed C919 passenger jet in Hong Kong, giving officials and media a close-up look at the narrow-bodied aircraft.

Son of jailed media mogul Jimmy Lai lobbies UK foreign secretary for his release

The son of jailed Hong Kong media mogul and pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai met with Britain’s foreign secretary to lobby for the U.K.’s help in securing his release from

Chinese leaders consider next steps for economy under cloudy outlook

Chinese leaders have wrapped up a two-day annual meeting to set economic priorities for the coming year, the official Xinhua News Agency said in a report Tuesday that

Thursday, December 14, 2023 – edition no. 4389

— Galaxy to introduce another hotel in newly inaugurated Phase 3, which currently comprises a convention center, a multi-purpose arena, and two hotels * Fitch outlook | Macau to retain strong

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