219 new CCTV cameras to operate around local border control

Starting from next month, 219 CCTV cameras will be put into operation in the surrounding areas of the city’s border gates, according to a report by Jornal Va Kio.
The Unitary Police Service (SPU) Commissioner-General Ma Io Kun claimed that the facilities have completed the testing of said cameras and that a report has already been submitted to the Office for Personal Data Protection.
The police force will install a total of 1,620 CCTV cameras in the city, with the entire mounting operation divided into four phases. The aforementioned 219 cameras mark the first installing; an additional 263 and 338 cameras will be installed during the second and third phases, respectively. Cameras will be displayed along main roads, at traffic conjunctions and at crime black spots. Regarding the fourth stage, whereby 800 cameras are expected to be installed, the public tender is now ongoing.

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