Chui Sai On yesterday attended the unveiling ceremony of the new Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane. The Chief Executive presided over the formal opening ceremony of the center that features a high efficiency air filtration system and an ultra-violet air disinfectant system. In addition, it can accommodate 60 beds and top-of-the-line medical equipment. The new center can serve as a temporary medical home for addressing cases of infectious diseases such as MERS and bird flu, until the dedicated center is completed. The Public Health Clinical Center in Coloane has cost a total of MOP340 million to build.
Gov’t under fire for location of disease complex
The government has come under fire again for its controversial plans to build an infectious diseases building near the site of the Conde S. Januario Hospital, numerous residential buildings, schools, and the casino tourism district. Lawmaker Pereira Coutinho criticized the government for failing to fully consider the health and safety impact the building could have on residents living nearby, TDM reported. Over 1500 citizens have now signed a petition against the project that is being led by the Health Bureau. Petitioners say that the government has rushed the project and that they have failed to consult adequately with the public. They insist that the government has not taken into consideration the health risks associated with constructing the building in proximity to heavily populated areas. Construction is due to start later this year.
Glass House relaunches booking program
The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has opened the new round of the “Temporary Rehearsal Venue Booking Program of Tap Seac Square Commercial Centre” and applications will be accepted from February 1 until June 30. According to a press release, the R2 and R3 spaces of the Glass House remain available as rehearsal spaces for local theatre and dance groups. IC first launched the program in August 2013 at the Tap Seac Square Commercial Center to provide rehearsal venues to local theatre and dance groups, and the program has since accommodated approximately 40 local groups. The Glass House has also been open for various government departments, schools and civic groups to hold activities and events.
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