MECC appoints new board president

The Macao European Chamber of Commerce (MECC) has announced that it has appointed lawyer Carlos Duque Simões as president of the Board of Directors until 2021.

Simões succeeds Kevin Thompson, a professor at the University of Macau, whose two-year term ended this year.

Thompson will be the vice chairman of the chairman’s Supervisory Board.

As cited in Portuguese paper Tribuna Macau, Thompson said that he was pleased that Simões will be taking over the chairmanship of the board and will continue on a good path to bring European, Macau and the Greater Bay Area’s business interests together.

MECC is the first affiliation of the European Chambers in Macau which aims to promote commercial, industrial, financial, scientific and other economic exchanges of all types between Macau and Europe, as well as foster bilateral cooperation between the business communities.

MECC was founded by six European chambers of commerce in Macau, namely France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and the United Kingdom.

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