Architects advocate for Hotel Estoril façade preservation

Hotel Estoril’s façade

Hotel Estoril’s façade

Representatives of the architecture, urban planning and heritage conservation sector advocated yesterday for the preservation of Hotel Estoril’s façade, which will be revamped and turned into a youth recreational and art center.
The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) held another briefing session to discuss the abandoned building’s future, this time addressing architects as well as urban planning and heritage stakeholders.
Several architects and cultural heritage association representatives argued that the building’s architectural features should be preserved as they have an important story behind them.
Rui Leão, vice-president of the Architects Association of Macau (AAM), said that the edifice should be preserved. “It’s the first building of the modern era of architecture (…) it’s from a time when Macau become a bit more progressive, allowing more people to have access to education, health…” he stressed.
Another member of the AAM said that it is important to preserve the building’s façade, since on Tap Seac square there sit a lot of buildings with classical features, while Hotel Estoril has more modern features.
Architect Nuno Soares also advocated for the building’s preservation, recalling that it was built at a time when Macau became more international and open. “It’s not a masterpiece but it has its own merits. It’s representative of its time, and was well designed,” he said. He added that it would be a good opportunity for Macau to handle the project bearing in mind a sustainable approach.
Another participant at yesterday’s briefing session went even further to suggest that not only the façade should be preserved, but also its interior features.
A representative of the Association for Restoration and Cultural Heritage shared a similar opinion, stressing, “We need to take into account the building’s historic value.” “I believe that the hotel gathers all conditions to be fully preserved,” he added.
The representative said that the association does not believe it would be a good idea to demolish the current structure and build a new one – which is one of the options on the table.
Architecture and cultural heritage stakeholders yesterday advised IC to also plan adequate transportation options in advance, in order to ease traffic congestion and ensure smooth access to the building and the surrounding area.
Stakeholders also argued that IC needs to plan the building’s revamp, taking into account surrounding facilities. They say it needs to be adequately integrated within its surroundings, and its functions should not overlap with other venues nearby.

Aspect of yesterday’s briefing session

Aspect of yesterday’s briefing session

Furthermore, architect Nuno Soares and other participants said that the government should launch a public tender for the design and conception of the revamp plan.
Whether or not to preserve the building’s façade mural of a female figure was another question discussed yesterday. Architects and other stakeholders believe it should be preserved. However, IC president Ung Vai Meng acknowledged that the bureau has received varying opinions on the matter. “The education sector believes that the mural, because if features a naked woman figure, is not suitable, given that the building will be serving as a youth recreational center,” he recalled.
Mr Ung presented yesterday what the structure’s main functions would be after the revamp is completed. The youth recreational and art center will feature several facilities, namely a performing hall, a venue for the Conservatory, rehearsal spaces for performing arts groups, an indoor swimming pool, and a youth information service station.
The IC president also talked of the building’s history. The Hotel Estoril was built in the 1960s and was the first hotel in which Stanley Ho began exploring a gaming concessionaire by setting up a casino there.
Mr Ung reiterated that IC will continue to hear opinions from the sector and the public regarding the revamp plans for Hotel Estoril before making a decision.
He pointed out that this is an inter-departmental project, and after almost 10 briefing sessions, IC will be disclosing some of the main opinions gathered so far on its website, in addition to sharing the history of the building and its façade.

hotel estoril history needs to be promoted

Architect Mário Duque believes that the history behind Hotel Estoril’s architectural features should be further promoted, ensuring that ordinary citizens understand its value, Radio Macau has reported. Mr Duque points out that Hotel Estoril “is a modern building valued by any contemporary architect.” However, he argues that there’s a need to further explain the building’s history and the importance of its architectural features to the common citizen. “If not, we would be contending with something that does not make much sense to most people,” he concluded.


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